felt on panel, dimensions noted

These pieces are the result of a donation of remnant felt from The Felt Store. I’d noticed they sponsored artist projects when using their material in making Blue Bayou and reached out to them during the height of the pandemic about a possible collaboration.

As usual, constraint inspired new forms. In these pieces it manifested through color combinations that I wouldn’t have thought of had the material not been right in front of me. In addition, having a finite amount of fabric led to the addition of more stuffed elements across the pieces, which take up more area relative to material than their folded counterparts.

I had the great fortune to work on them as an artist in residence at the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico, meaning Desert Moon really was created in the arid landscape it references and Raven Moon was made while watching large, black birds swoop in and out of the frame of the large window of my studio at the end of the lane.